Thursday, October 9, 2014

God Makes No Mistakes

God Makes No Mistakes
Justin in 2008
I read an article that really touched my heart about a boy with down syndrome asking his mother what happened to him.  The mom responded that nothing happened to him and God just made it harder for him to learn but easier to love.  What a great way to look at it.  God made all of us different and He done it for a reason.

It says in the bible that He knew us before we were even born and He knit us together while we were in the womb.  It even says He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not hurt us.  Yes, He has a plan for every person; even a person with disabilities. 

Many times we get caught up in trying to find a hidden meaning as to why certain things happen, but sometimes we have to just accept things as they are.  It is then we can put our trust in God and know that He is in control.  It is then, we can come to terms with the situation and confront the issues that lie ahead.  It is then when we learn to love unconditionally.  Maybe just maybe, that was part of God's plan after all.

As always thanks for reading,
Angela :)