Monday, July 27, 2015

Climbing Jacob's Ladder

Justin in 2007
      I knew it would be a trip to the doctor when Justin cried out in pain as he got out of bed.  I ran to his side and cradled him in my arms and looked at his badly discolored, swollen toe that he hurt the night before.  “It’s ok sweetie.  Mommy’s right here.” I said as I kissed his cheek. “Hurt bad.”  He whimpered.   “I know baby.  I know.”  I replied as I scooped him up in my arms and toted him to the living room.
        I sat him in the blue recliner and he tearfully looked up at me and asked “A do now mama?”  “I have to call the doctor.”  I said as I wiped away a tear.  “Pease mama pease!  No doctor!  No doctor.”  Justin pleaded while wrapping his thin arms around my neck.   I tried to reassure him things would be okay as I reached for the phone, but once again his hazel eyes filled with tears.  Justin’s regular doctor was away at a conference so he would have to see the doctor on call.  I was uncomfortable with him seeing someone not familiar with his medical history, but at this point I had no choice.  
     The office was a remodeled house and didn’t have the typical hospital atmosphere that most doctor offices have. My fears were relieved when I saw a picture of Jesus inside the front door.  We rounded the corner and a sweet Christian lady greeted us, took our information and asked us to have a seat.  I was surprised to see only a few people in the waiting room.  We were barely seated before Justin’s name was called.  A short, blonde nurse led us back to the exam room where she took his vitals and looked at his toe.  She gave Justin a sympathetic look then said the doctor would be with us shortly.
      Justin and I were skimming through a magazine when we heard a soft knock on the exam room door.  A small, balding man wearing glasses walked in the room while looking over Justin’s chart. There was a gentle spirit about him when he shook my hand and asked if we could start with a prayer.  A peaceful feeling encompassed us as we gathered in a circle and prayed. The doctor then sat on a stool and began to examine Justin’s toe. I cuddled Justin in an attempt to comfort him but the look in his eyes told me he was still scared.  After a few moments passed, the doctor told me that they could drill a hole in the toenail to relieve the pressure, but that would probably be too traumatic for Justin and he suggested leaving it alone.
    As we stood to prepare to leave, Justin said, “Pray.” and pointed toward the doctor.  “You want to pray again?’  I asked as I held him in my arms.  He shook his head yes and placed his hand on the man’s forehead.  The good doctor humbled himself before this special needs child and allowed himself to be prayed for.  A warm and peaceful feeling filled the room and I knew without a doubt that the Holy Spirit was among us.  I looked around and the room was so bright but it did not hurt my eyes.  My mind tuned in to the beautiful prayer streaming out of my son’s mouth.  His speech was not clear, but at this moment I understood what my son was saying.  His face beamed as he continued with his prayer.  When he was finished, both the doctor and I had tears in our eyes.  This man of God looked at the floor and then at me.  “I just felt like I climbed Jacob’s ladder.” He said.  “I just got my answer to a prayer I’ve been praying for quite a while now.”  He rubbed the back of Justin’s head and said “Thank you” before he quietly disappeared out of the door.
     I will never forget God using my son to answer someone’s prayer.  It was a day filled with blessings and the start of a very special friendship for Justin.  What I learned was that God will use us only if we are willing and God will answers prayers if we humble ourselves and listen for the answer.   
    Listen not only with your ears, but listen to what God is whispering to your heart.  Keep praying and be obedient to God.  You never know when God will send you an answer to your prayer.
     As always, thank you for reading.   Angela :)